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Babies are every mother’s pride and joy, with all their cuteness, giggles, and warmth comes a bundle of energy and excitement for the unknown. After the first few months, they begin to explore and roam around trying to discover the world and what it has to offer, which is wonderful! Your role as mama bear is to protect him/her from any harm and our role is to guide you on how to do so.
As much as you may want to, you won’t be holding your baby in your arms forever. When your baby’s exploration journey begins, your home should be prepared for your little adventurer. While it may seem that your house is safe and protected if you start wandering around like a baby you will notice some things you may want to hide from your little one.
It is recommended to baby-proof your entire house before the baby arrives, this way you will have more time (and energy)! A very interesting way to find out if there are any potential hazards is to put yourself in the baby’s perspective. Get down on all fours and start crawling around your house, it may seem – and look ridiculous – but it gains effective results.
When you start crawling you will notice small items that when standing up you wouldn’t recognize. Nails, wires, dust and other small objects may not catch your eye normally, nevertheless, you wouldn’t want your baby chewing on them or getting hurt by them. Always have a clean floor and hide away any hanging wires, we recommend hanging them higher from the baby’s reach.
If you crawl long enough you may notice that your knees are constantly scratching the floor, which cannot be healthy for your little baby’s soft skin. Our knee pad is for 0-12-month-old babies and is the perfect solution, once they’re on your baby he/she can roam around freely without a scratch on his/her skin.
It may sound exhausting trying to keep your baby safe but remember babies sleep too. Although that doesn’t mean your job is done just yet, you’ll need to protect your baby from slipping out of bed. For that, we recommend using an anti-roller side sleeping pillow. Now you are cleared to relax and maybe even have a nap next to your baby.
Alright supermoms, you got this! Let us know how the baby-proofing goes!
Now that the surroundings are clean and small objects are not in sight, the next step is locking all cabinets with a child-lock. Nowadays, most homes have open kitchens which means babies (now more than ever) have easy access to kitchen cabinets with all the sharp objects and cleaning supplies inside. A child safety lock would be best to keep your little one out of the way of danger, check out our u-shaped lock which works perfectly for closets, kitchen cabinets, fridges and wardrobe doors.
Speaking of doors, this is often overlooked by many parents but the last thing you want is the door jamming your baby’s sweet little fingers. You can keep the doors opened using a floor door stopper to avoid any accident of the sorts. Alternatively, a door stopper which latches on above the door handle and doesn’t let the door close, will help in saving those little fingers.
It may sound exhausting trying to keep your baby safe but remember babies sleep too. Although that doesn’t mean your job is done just yet, you’ll need to protect your baby from slipping out of bed. For that, we recommend using an anti-roller side sleeping pillow. Now you are cleared to relax and maybe even have a nap next to your baby.
Alright supermoms, you got this! Let us know how the baby-proofing goes!